Pitta Imbalance And Fatigue? 8 Home Remedies That Can Help

By Aishwarya Sahasrabudhe

August 10, 2023

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An improper diet during humid climes or eating too many oily foods or a bout of anger or anxiety can cause an imbalance in what is known as Pitta dosha in the ancient science of Ayurveda. Here are some home remedies that can help to reduce Pitta in the body.

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Have Ghee

One of the indicators of Pitta is heartburn or an upset tummy caused due to excessive heat which can be dealt with by having a spoonful of ghee with lukewarm water.

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Drink Water

Since Pitta can be the result of excess heat in the body, try to pacify this rising internal temperature by drinking lots of water and staying hydrated throughout the day.

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Avoid Caffeine

One of the ways to balance Pitta dosha is to cut caffeinated drinks like tea and coffee out of your diet which can aggravate this imbalance and increase body heat.

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Eat Vegetables

To reduce Pitta, it is essential to go light on the stomach so eat foods like vegetables and beans which can be digested easily while providing enough nourishment.

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Chew On Fennel

Add foods to your diet which act as coolants, like a small spoonful of fennel after lunch to ward off acid reflux or indigestion and lower Pitta levels in the body.

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Have Rajgira

Start your day with foods that combat Pitta, like oats, quinoa and amaranth, or rajgira which pacify the heat in the body while soothing your hunger pangs.

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Use Coriander 

Sprinkle chopped coriander over all your savoury subzis and curries to cool down the body. Coriander can be a powerful remedy to calm the fiery tendencies of Pitta dosha.

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Drink Coconut Water

Cooling drinks are extremely potent concoctions for managing the rising body heat. Have cold milk, coconut water or even milkshakes to balance Pitta in the body.

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