Pick The Ripe Muskmelons With These Tips 

By Deepali Verma 

When shopping for muskmelons, it might be difficult to tell whether or not they are ripe. Learn from these suggestions to always select the best option. 

Check The Colour 

We normally buy muskmelon based on its colouring. With few green spots, a ripe muskmelon appears beige or creamy yellow. Webbed skin is another sign of ripeness. 

Check The Stem 

Check the muskmelon's stem to see if it's ripe. A ripe melon will naturally separate from its stem, while a prematurely cut one will still contain some. Round, smooth stem ends are ideal. 

Smell The Muskmelon 

The scent of muskmelon indicates ripeness. A ripe muskmelon's blossom end should smell sweet and musky. It's overripe if it smells excessively sweet. 

Give It A Tap 

Tap the muskmelon and listen. Muskmelon is ripe when it makes a low, substantial sound. Hollow or high-pitched sounds are bad. 

Finally, weigh a muskmelon. Sweet and luscious pulp makes a ripe muskmelon hefty. It's unripe if it's too light. Feel several melons and pick the heaviest. 

Check The Weight