Peru Pyala: Peru Pyala: Have You Tried This Spicy Drink

By Nikita Toppo

Refresh yourself with this popular drink made with ripe guava and red chillies. 


5 guava, 3 tbsp lemon juice, 1.5 tbsp sugar, 1 green chili, 15 Fresh Mint Leaves, 1 tsp pink salt, salt to taste, 1 tsp red chili powder, 3/4 tsp roasted cumin powder 

Step 1

Grind chopped guavas with some water in the mixer jar and then strain the juice to remove the seeds.

Step 2

Now dilute the thick juice with some chilled water. 

Step 3

Crush mint leaves and green chili  and add in the juice. 

Step 4

Then add sugar, lemon juice, red chili powder, salt and cumin powder and mix well. 

Step 5

Now garnish with mint leaves and lemon slice and serve immediately.