Perfect Your Bread Making With These Tips 

By Deepali Verma

A slice of bread is quite satisfying. And it's even more special when the delicious white bread is homemade. Here are some tips for making bread that can increase your chances of getting the perfect crust and crumb.   

Use a Digital Scale 

Instead of using volumetric quantities, weigh the components, especially the flour. The next time, we guarantee you'll thank yourself. 

Try Different Types of Flour 

Some flours with a higher gluten content will aid in a better rise. Consider bread flour as an example. Using a 1:1 ratio, you can swap bread flour for all-purpose flour and vice versa. 


Stay away from over- or under-kneading your dough. Your dough should hold together when you stretch it out 2 to 4 inches. If you're not good at kneading dough, look for a bread recipe that doesn't call for any. 

Oven Temperature 

Your oven may need to be correctly calibrated if your baked goods are frequently too light, too dry, or take longer to bake than recommended by the recipe. 

Right Yeast 

Before you begin baking, make sure the recipe calls for "fast-acting" yeast, which is what most bread machines require. Check to see that the yeast has not expired, as it won't function as effectively. 

A loaf of bread must proof before it can be placed in the oven. Dough that has been over-proofed will gradually sink back down, limiting the bread's ability to rise. A similar result will be achieved by under-proofing. 
