Party Hangover? 5 Best Tips To Prevent It

By Bornika Das

The weekend is here and so are you ready to go to parties and induce into alcohol intake. However, often due to alcohol intake we suffer hangover the next morning There are several tips as to how to prevent hangovers from happening. Read on to know more. 

Eat Something Before Drinking Alcohol 

It is important to eat some food before drinking alcohol. You can eat one to two small ginger pieces. This helps in digesting alcohol. 

Mix Water With The Drinks 

Always mix drinks with water as it will help you to keep hydrated. While drinking beer, have water breaks in between. 

Avoid Congeners 

The drinks that have added colours or flavours can increase your hangovers. Instead opt for light-coloured, highly filtered alcohol.

Eat Heavy Breakfast 

Consume heavy breakfast with eggs before consuming alcohol. If you don’t want to have heavy breakfast, try the bland one like banana and toast. 

Drink Electrolytes 

When you’re are already in a state having hangover, drink sufficient amount of electrolytes.