Pakoras To Bhajji:  7 Indian Snacks Perfect For Monsoon!

By Niveditha Kalyanaraman

September 16th, 2023

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Monsoon is the time our taste buds long for something tangy and crunchy. Alongside piping hot chai, there are several snacks that taste great. Here are 7 different Indian snacks to accompany your monsoon!

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The classic monsoon snack! Crispy fritters of besan had with chutney, deep-fried with various vegetables.

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Masala Corn

A healthy and easy to make snack that's rich in fiber and the spices that compliment monsoon right.

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Triangular delights of potatoes and peas, they're a famous snack across India.

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Flavored deep-fried snack with a stuffing of onion served with chutneys.

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Vada Pav

A trademark of Mumbai, this dish has a spicy potato fritter sandwiched in a bun, served with fried green chillies.

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Pani Puris

Hollow balls filled with potato and onion, dipped in spicy or sweet water. They're a famous snack with a lot of names across India.

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A trademark of South India, this dish is a deep-fried fritter of chilli, capsicum, potato or onion. Usually found by the beachside, it's a snack you'll love with every bite.

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