Nutritious Foods You Can Prepare For Babies  

By Deepali Verma

August 22, 2024

When it comes to feeding babies, soft and nutritious foods are essential. Here are five ideal options that are easy to eat and digest. 

Mashed Bananas 

Rich in potassium and vitamins, mashed bananas are smooth, sweet, and perfect for little ones.  

Pureed Vegetables 

Soft vegetables like carrots, peas, and sweet potatoes can be steamed and pureed, offering a nutrient-rich meal. 


Cooked until soft and creamy, oatmeal provides fibre and is easy to swallow, making it an excellent breakfast option. 

Rice Porridge 

Also known as 'khichdi,' this gentle dish combines rice and lentils, cooked until mushy, and is soothing for sensitive gums. 


Soft and creamy, avocados are packed with healthy fats and can be mashed for a smooth, nutritious meal.