Nutritious Breakfast Burrito For Monday Morning

By Nikita Toppo

September 11, 2023

Image Credit: Unsplash

Burrito is a Mexican delight which is loved all over the world. Made with colourful and delicious ingredients, it can be enjoyed for every meal. Here is an easy recipe to make breakfast burritos at home.

Image Credit: Unsplash


4 whole wheat tortilla, 8-10 spicy chicken sausages, 1 onion, 2 tbsp oil 2 tbsp butter, 2 eggs (beaten), 16 florets, broccoli (blanched), 2 tbsp cream, salt to taste, 1 tsp black pepper powder, ½ cup grated cheese, 8-12 slices jalapeno, a few lettuce leaves

Image Credit: Unsplash

Step 1

Heat oil in a non-stick pan. Put sliced onion and sausages in it and sauté. Take the pan off the heat.

Image Credit: Unsplash

Step 2

Add chilled butter, eggs and cook, stirring, to scramble. Add cream, salt and pepper powder, cheese and mix.

Image Credit: Unsplash

Step 3

Keep a tortilla on the top and put a portion of filling in the centre. Place 4 broccoli followed by jalapeno slices and lettuce. Roll tightly. Enjoy.

Image Credit: Pexels