strawberry juice with sliced oranges

Nutritious Beetroot Smoothie To Sip Before Your Workout

By Garima Johar

March 20, 2025

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red beverage in mason jars

A glass of smoothie can be an excellent way to incorporate the many health benefits of beetroot into your diet. If you want a beverage to chug before your workout, make this beetroot smoothie.

clear glass jar with red and green fruits


1/2 cup chopped beetroot 1 cup frozen berries 1/2 banana 1 cup yoghurt 1 tablespoon honey

focus photo of green vegetable

Step 1

Take chopped beetroot, berries, banana, and yoghurt and put all of them in a blender.

a pitcher filled with liquid next to sliced fruit

Step 2

Blend everything together till you get a smooth and consistent mixture.

clear glass mug with red liquid

Step 3

Add some honey, pour the smoothie into a clear glass and enjoy.

red drink in clear glass