No Oven for Instant Mug Cakes, This Recipe Has Got You Covered

By Jhuisha Lunia

Instant mug cakes are to date so much in fashion that even somebody who does know cooking can do it, but few houses do not have an oven to fulfil their mug cake urge. This recipe here has got you covered

Ingredients: 4 tsp Refined Flour 2 tsp Coco powder 2 tsp powdered sugar 1 tsp baking powder A pinch of salt and baking soda 1 tsp vegetable oil 6 tsp milk

Mix all the ingredients in an oven-friendly mug. Preheat a pan for 5 mins. Place a stand in the pan and place the mug. Let it cook for a good 12-15 minutes. Your Instant mug cake without an oven is ready.