Need Acid Reflux Treatment at Home? Check This Out 

By Deepali Verma

Acid reflux is the backward movement of stomach acids into the throat. If this happens, you may vomit or taste nasty. Heartburn may occur in some instances. The following home remedies may relieve acid reflux.  

Apple Cider Vinegar 

Drink half a glass of water with one teaspoon of apple cider vinegar. This home cure treats the condition best. 

Ginger Roots 

To lessen the severity of acid reflux, you can take ginger root capsules on a daily basis. 

Fennel Seeds 

If you suffer from acid reflux, try chewing half a teaspoon of fennel seeds after each meal. 

Baking Soda 

Baking soda can help raise the body's pH and lessen acid reflux, making it a beneficial home treatment. 


The use of spices like cinnamon, mace, and cardamom can also be helpful in treating acid reflux. 

Orange Peel Extracts 

Orange peel extracts have been shown to be effective in treating acid reflux and may be found in most grocery stores. 

Yoghurt is quite versatile and can also be used to treat acid flux.  
