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Nagpur Orange To Nashik Grapes: 7 Indian Fruits That Boost G.I. Tag 

By Nikita Toppo

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A geographical indicator (GI) is a label that is applied to goods with a particular geographic origin or unique characteristics. Here are seven fruits of India that have gained the G.I. tag.

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Nagpur Orange

This orange of crop of Nagpur, Maharashtra grows twice annually, and its harvesting starts in December.

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Nanjangud Bananas

This rare and expensive banana of Karnataka is famous for its distinct flavour and aroma and is grown in the districts of Mysore and Chamarajanagar.

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Surkha Guava

This guava of Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh is known for its sweet and strong flavour along with medicinal qualities.

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Vazhakulam Pineapple

Vazhakulam in Kerala has the sweetest pineapples of India, and the fruit is known for its lovely aroma and high vitamin content.

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Tezpur Litchi

Litchis from Tezpur, Assam are renowned for their superior quality, delectable flavour and juicy pulp.

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Mahabaleshwar Strawberry

Mahabaleshwar strawberries are extremely juicy, pulpy and are distinguishable from other types of strawberries.

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Nashik Grapes

Nashik grapes received its Gi tag in 2008 and contribute to around 73% of state production and 82% of export.

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