Mung Dal To Buttermilk, 5 Ayurvedic Tips For Summer Eating

By Ranita Ray

Extreme temperatures, extended daylight hours, and a piercing sun are all hallmarks of summer. Summer is pitta season because of these characteristics. Even though some areas are humid in summer, severe heat dries things up, making summer dry. Ayurveda suggests dos and don'ts for the summer season. 

Low Digestive Agni

According to Ayurveda, in summer, Agni, or digestive force, is at its lowest. It makes us less hungry and more drawn to icy foods.

Pitta Balancing Diet

Foods with bitter, astringent, and sweet tastes are recommended for a pitta-balancing diet in Ayurveda, as is eating at room temperature.

Rules For Flavours

Ginger, garlic, chillies, and spices are sharp, fiery, and pungent; hence Ayurveda advises against them. Foods high in salt, acid,, or oil are discouraged.

Eat Moong Dal

Eat some moong daal every day, either whole or split. A khichdi and a thin daal seasoned with salt and black pepper are possible preparations.

Drink Buttermilk

Instead of heavy milk products, drink thin buttermilk seasoned with roasted cumin powder and black salt.