Monsoon Special: Garam Chai And Homemade Sweet Buns 

By Deepali Verma

July 14, 2023

Sip on a hot cup of chai and indulge in a sweet bun to experience the perfect combination of warmth, comfort, and sweetness during the rainy season. 


220g Milk   20g Sugar (to add in milk)   7g Active dry yeast   350g All-purpose Flour (maida)   8g Gluten powder (optional) 5g Salt   45g Softened Butter   30g Sugar (to add in flour) 15g Milk powder 40-50g Tutti fruity /sultanas  

Step 1 

For the honey butter, mix 60g salted butter with 20g honey.  

Step 2 

Mix lukewarm milk and sugar, mix. Add yeast, mix and let sit for 5mins. 

Step 3 

In a large bowl, add flour, gluten powder, salt, sugar and milk powder. Mix to combine. Add bloomed yeast mix and incorporate. 

Step 4 

Now add softened butter, knead until the dough is soft (about 10-15mins). Fold in the tooty fruity, cover the dough with cling wrap until it doubles in size (1hr to 1hr 30mins) 

Step 5 

Deflate dough and shape into 90g balls each. Let them sit on a greased baking tray until it doubles in size (45mins-1hr). Meanwhile you can preheat oven to 180*C, brush the bums with honey butter and bake for 18 minutes. 

Step 6  

Brush buns with more honey butter right out of the oven. Let them cool, then smear butter and enjoy with chai!