Monsoon Special 7 Food Storage Tips You Need To Know

By Risha Ganguly

July 16, 2023

During the monsoon season, it's important to pay extra attention to food storage to prevent spoilage and food-borne illnesses. Here are seven food storage tips you need to know for the monsoon season.

Tip 1

Moisture can accelerate the growth of bacteria and moulds. Ensure that your storage area is clean and dry before storing any food items.

Tip 2

Consume older food items first and restock with fresh supplies. This helps prevent food from expiring.

Tip 3

For small food items or leftovers, consider using zip-lock bags. They provide an extra layer of protection against moisture.

Tip 4

If you store vegetables or other wet items, designate a separate shelf in the refrigerator to prevent cross-contamination and odours from spreading.

Tip 5

Find a cool and dry area in your kitchen or pantry to store perishable items like fruits and vegetables. Avoid areas with direct sunlight.

Tip 6

Make sure that containers, bottles, and jars are tightly sealed and free from any leaks. Leaky containers can lead to spoilage and contamination.

Tip 7

Invest in good-quality airtight containers to store dry food items such as cereals, pulses, flour, and snacks. This helps to keep out moisture and pests.