Monsoon Diaries: 10 Fruits You Should Eat And Avoid

By Risha Ganguly

In the rainy season, it's important to consume fruits that provide essential nutrients and help strengthen the immune system to protect against common illnesses associated with the season. Here are fruits you should eat and avoid.

Eat - Citrus Fruits

Oranges, lemons, and grapefruits are excellent choices during the rainy season for boosting immunity.

Eat - Pomegranate

Pomegranates are packed with antioxidants and provide a good dose of vitamin C. 

Eat - Papaya

It is a tropical fruit that is available during the rainy season. It is loaded with vitamins A and C and enzymes that aid in digestion.

Eat - Apples

Apples are a year-round fruit and are particularly beneficial during the rainy season. They are a good source of fibre.

Eat - Guava

Guavas are highly nutritious and readily available during the rainy season. They can help protect against common infections.

Avoid - Strawberries

Strawberries are delicate fruits that have a higher risk of spoiling and developing mold in the rainy season.

Avoid - Muskmelon

Muskmelons have a high water content, making them vulnerable to waterborne contaminants and bacterial growth.

Avoid - Mangoes

While mangoes are a popular fruit during the summer, they tend to attract pests and insects during the rainy season.

Avoid - Grapes

Grapes are another fruit that is susceptible to spoilage and mold growth in humid conditions. 

Avoid - Banana

Bananas are sensitive to moisture and can ripen and rot quickly in humid conditions. If you choose to have them, store them properly to prevent spoilage.