Momo At Home: 10 Effective Tips To Get It Right

By Risha Ganguly

September 18, 2023

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Momo is one of the most popular street food delicacy that we enjoy. Served with different sauces and soups, momos are delicious. Here are tips to make perfect momos at your home.

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Good Flour

Choose a high-quality, fine-textured flour like all-purpose flour for the momo wrappers. This will ensure that the wrappers are soft and pliable.

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Dough Consistency

When making the dough for momo wrappers, aim for a smooth and elastic consistency. 

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Rest the Dough

After kneading, cover the dough with a damp cloth and let it rest for at least 30 minutes. 

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Thin Wrapper

Roll the momo wrappers as thin as possible without tearing them. Thinner wrappers ensure that the momos cook evenly.

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Even Wrappers

To ensure that the momos cook uniformly, make sure the wrappers are of similar size. You can use a round cutter or the rim of a glass to achieve uniformity.

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Even Filling

Overfilling can cause the momos to burst during cooking, while underfilling can result in bland dumplings.

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Pleating Method

The pleating method involves folding the wrapper in half to form a semicircle and then creating pleats along the curved edge while sealing the filling inside.

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Cover the Momo

As you make each momo, cover it with a damp cloth or plastic wrap to prevent the wrappers from drying out. Dry wrappers can crack.

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Oil the Steamer

Steam the momos in a well-oiled steamer or a steaming basket lined with parchment paper or cabbage leaves to prevent sticking.

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Dipping Sauce

Experiment with different kinds of dipping sauces like red chilli, garlic, schezwan or peanut.

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