Menstrual Cramps Got You Down? 6 Healthy Comfort Foods  

By Aishwarya Sahasrabudhe

July 17, 2023

Food cravings are real, and more so when menstrual cramps accompany the red lady every month! Here are some nourishing and soothing foods that will satisfy your craving for comfort food during the monthly cycle.

Dark Chocolate

Eating chocolate is an indulgent pleasure during periods. Dark chocolate is rich in antioxidants and is a great source of guilt-free comfort.

Masala Chai

A warm, steaming cup of masala chai infused with tulsi, ginger and lemongrass is a soothing beverage to sip on during periods. Dip a biscuit in the chai for sheer joy!

Peanut Butter

Have a slice of bread or a roti lathered in peanut butter to satisfy sweet cravings without overdoing calorie intake. Peanut butter provides essential fats to comfort period pain.


Make a scramble, a French toast or have eggs sunny side up for a healthy, warm and comforting meal that will fulfil the body's protein requirements.


Gobble up flavoured yoghurts that are light on the stomach and rich in probiotics during menstrual cramps. Yoghurt is rich in probiotics so it will improve digestion too.

Grilled Fish

Salmon or any other fatty fish is a good source of Omega-3 that provides the body with essential fats. Eating a bit of grilled fish during periods is as comforting as it is healthy.