
Matcha Tea: Know About Its Health Benefits  

By Tanisha Salwan


Matcha Tea has gained quite a popularity over time. Some people have even replaced their morning cup of tea or coffee with this green tea. Do you know about its health benefits? Let’s find out. 

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Good For Heart Health

Matcha tea lowers bad cholesterol in the body and reduces the risk of heart related diseases. 

Matcha a super food full of health benefits

High In Antioxidants 

It is high in antioxidants which minimizes the damage caused by free radicals. They can also battle many chronic diseases.  

Still life with Japanese matcha accessories and green tea in bowl

Aids In Weight Loss 

Matcha tea contains green extract that helps in losing weight. It boosts metabolism that leads to the burning of fat. 

Raw Organic Green Matcha Tea in a Bowl

Maintains Blood Pressure

Matcha tea keeps blood pressure in check and also reduces the risk of serious diseases like cancer. 

Fine powder green tea, matcha with whisk and spoon

Boosts Memory

As per some studies, matcha tea improves brain functioning and boosts memory and retention power. 
