Masala Chai Creme Brulee: The Ultimate Fusion Dessert

By Shireen Jamooji

Creme Brulee is a classic French dessert with a creamy custard and a crisp sugar top. Add in the rich, spiced notes of a perfect masala chai, and you have yourself an irresistible dessert.


4 egg yolks + 1 whole egg 100g granulated sugar 570 double cream (heavy whipping cream) 2-3 black tea bags 1 star anise 4 cloves 3 cardamoms 1 cinnamon stick ½ tsp vanilla flavouring

Step 1

Whisk 4 egg yolks, 1 whole egg and sugar in a bowl until combined.

Step 2

Add the tea bags and cream to a pot and heat till bubbling then strain the mixture through a sieve. 

Step 3

Slowly add the cream to the egg mixture, whisking continuously. Strain the mix again.

Step 4

Bake the mixture in individual ramekins in a bain marie for 30-40 minutes at 180°C. 

Step 5

Chill for 2 hours and when ready to serve, sprinkle the top with sugar and caramelise with a blowtorch.