Malaysian Roti Canai, Ranked Best Flat Bread In The World, Recipe Inside

By Vidushi Singh

July 22, 2023

Roti Canai is a mouthwatering flatbread of South Indian origin. that has since become a favourite in Malaysia Its flaky layers and delicious taste make it a popular choice to be enjoyed with dhal curry, fish or chicken curry. 


500g all-purpose wheat flour 1 tsp salt 1 tbsp oil (vegetable oil or ghee) Water Additional oil (for kneading and frying)

Step 1

In a  bowl, combine the all-purpose wheat flour with salt. Gradually add water and mix to form a soft dough.

Step 2

Avoid over-kneading. Add a tsp of oil  to the dough. Divide the dough into equal portions and shape them into balls. 

Step 3

Cover the dough balls with a damp cloth and  rest for 40 minutes. After that, flatten it with your oiled hands.

Step 4

Gently stretch the dough, Use the back of your hands to create flaky layers.

Step 5

Now fold it in half, then fold it again to form a triangle.  Heat a flat frying pan. Add oil and cook until it’s golden brown.

Step 6

 Flip the Roti Canai and cook. Serve with your favourite dishes. Enjoy!