Making The Viral Mayak Eggs? Avoid These 7 Blunders 

By Ujjainee Roy

March 19, 2024

The Internet is obsessed with Korean Mayak eggs which are essentially marinated eggs made with soy sauce. Achieving the perfect balance of seasoning and texture requires attention to temperature and its recipe. If you're making them at home, don't make these seven blunders.

Overcooking The Eggs

One of the most common blunders is overcooking the eggs, resulting in a rubbery texture and dull flavor. Be sure to cook the eggs just until they're hard-boiled, then promptly cool them to prevent overcooking.

Inadequate Seasoning

Mayak eggs rely on a bold seasoning mix to impart flavor. Avoid the blunder of insufficient seasoning by ensuring that the seasoning mixture thoroughly coats each egg, providing a burst of spicy and savory flavor in every bite.

Insufficient Marination Time

To allow the flavors to penetrate the eggs fully, it's crucial to marinate them for an adequate amount of time. Avoid the blunder of rushing this step; instead, let the eggs marinate in the seasoning mixture for at least a few hours or overnight for optimal flavor infusion.

The Wrong Balance Of Flavours

Achieving the perfect balance of spicy, savory, sweet, and salty flavors is essential for delicious mayak eggs. Avoid the blunder of overpowering one flavor element by carefully adjusting the seasoning mix to achieve a harmonious blend of flavors.

Using Poor Quality Ingredients

The quality of the ingredients used can significantly impact the taste and texture of the final dish. Avoid the blunder of using subpar eggs or low-quality seasoning ingredients; instead, opt for fresh, high-quality eggs and authentic Korean seasonings for the best results.

Skipping the Toasted Sesame Seeds

Toasted sesame seeds add a nutty aroma and crunchy texture to mayak eggs, enhancing their overall flavor profile. Avoid the blunder of skipping this step; instead, be sure to toast the sesame seeds before sprinkling them over the eggs for an extra layer of deliciousness.

Improper Storage

Mayak eggs should be stored properly to maintain their freshness and flavor. Avoid the blunder of leaving them at room temperature for extended periods; instead, store them in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to a few days, enjoying them chilled or at room temperature as desired.