Making Sandesh At Home? Use These Easy Hacks

By Ujjainee Roy

October 10, 2024

While it might seem simple, perfecting Sandesh at home requires a bit of finesse. The key lies in handling the chhena properly and ensuring that the flavors are just right without compromising the texture. Whether you're a novice or someone who loves making Indian sweets at home, these six hacks will help you master the art of creating flawless Sandesh -- from getting the chhena consistency right to adding the perfect touch of sweetness.

Get the chhena consistency right

The base of any good Sandesh is fresh chhena, and its texture plays a crucial role in determining the quality of your sweet. To achieve the right consistency, make sure to drain the chhena thoroughly but not excessively. It should be moist yet firm enough to hold its shape when pressed.

The kneading is key

The smoothness of Sandesh depends on how well you knead the chhena. Once it's properly drained, knead it gently with your palms for about 8-10 minutes until the chhena becomes soft, smooth, and pliable

Control the sweetness

The sweetness of Sandesh should be subtle, not overpowering. Add sugar gradually, tasting the mixture as you go. You can use powdered sugar for an even consistency, but some prefer using jaggery or mishti gur (date palm jaggery) for a rich, earthy flavor that’s unique to Bengali sweets

Don't overcook

Sandesh requires a gentle cooking process to avoid hardening. After adding sugar, cook the mixture on a low flame, stirring continuously. Cook just until the chhena starts to release from the sides of the pan.

Use aromatics sparingly

Sandesh is traditionally flavored with subtle aromatics like cardamom, rose water, or saffron. However, be careful not to overdo it, as these strong flavors can overwhelm the delicate taste of the chhena. A pinch of cardamom or a few strands of saffron is usually enough to elevate the flavor without overpowering it

Think of classic shapes

Presentation plays a significant role in the appeal of Sandesh. Once your mixture is ready, shape the Sandesh into small, smooth rounds or traditional flat discs. You can get creative with molds for intricate designs or use simple cookie cutters for fun shapes