Making Egg White Meringue? Avoid These 7 Blunders

By Ujjainee Roy

March 23, 2024

Who doesn't love a meringue topped tart? Meringue is typically made with egg whites and its use ranges from light and airy pavlovas to decadent macarons. However, achieving the perfect meringue can be tricky, as it relies on precise techniques and attention to detail. If you're planning to make an egg-white meringue for the first time, steer clear of these mistakes.

Contaminated Equipment

Any trace of grease or oil in your mixing bowl or utensils can prevent egg whites from properly whipping into stiff peaks. Make sure all equipment is impeccably clean and free of residue before starting.

Inadequate Separation

Even the tiniest bit of egg yolk in your egg whites can hinder their ability to whip up properly. Take care when separating eggs, ensuring no yolks make their way into the whites.

Insufficient Whipping

Properly whipped egg whites should form stiff peaks that hold their shape. Under-whipping can result in a runny or unstable meringue. Be patient and whip the egg whites at a consistent speed until they reach the desired consistency.

Adding Sugar At The Wrong Time

Adding sugar too early in the whipping process can weigh down the egg whites and inhibit their ability to reach stiff peaks. Gradually add the sugar once the egg whites are foamy, allowing it to dissolve slowly for a smoother meringue.


On the flip side, over-whipping can lead to a dry and grainy meringue. Once stiff peaks have formed, stop whipping immediately to avoid overworking the egg whites.

Ignoring Humidity

Moisture in the air can affect the stability of egg white meringue, causing it to deflate or become sticky. Avoid making meringue on humid days or in areas with high humidity if possible.

Improper Storage

Meringue is best enjoyed fresh, but if you need to store it, improper storage can lead to deterioration in texture and flavor. Store meringue in an airtight container at room temperature, away from moisture and humidity, to maintain its crispness.