Make Your Friday Night Fun With These Dark Rum Cocktails

By Risha Ganguly

Rum is one of the most versatile spirits, that is used to make a variety of cocktails. Here is a list of cocktails that you can make with dark rum and enjoy a boozy evening.

Rum and Coke

This classic cocktail is everyone's favourite. Mixing rum or old monk with coke and lemon juice is the cheapest party option.

Rum Margarita

Try adding dark rum to your margarita and see the disticnt change in the flavour yourself.

Rum Punch

A fruity after taste is the signature of this wonderful dark rum cocktail. It is perfect for brunch parties.

Buttered Rum

The best cocktail to have in winters - this warm concoction is made with butter, rum and aromatic spices.

Dark and Stormy

As interesting the name of this cocktail is, its distinct spicy flavour with a ginger spin makes it even more unique.