Make Vrat-Friendly Aloo Chaat At Home

By Tanisha Salwan


3 potatoes 1 ginger 3 to 4 green chilies ½ tsp roasted cumin ½ tsp amchur ¼ tsp black pepper 1 tbsp arrowroot powder Lemon juice Sendha namak to taste Handful coriander leaves Handful of mint leaves 

Step 1

Take potatoes and wash them. Peel them and boil using a pinch of sendha namak. 

Step 2

When done, chop the potatoes into cubes and coat them with arrowroot powder, black pepper and sendha namak. 

Step 3

Fry the potatoes twice in hot oil. Take a bowl and add these fried potatoes cubes. 

Step 4

Make a vrat friendly chutney using coriander and mint leaves, ginger, green chilies, amchur, cumin seeds, lemon juice and sendha namak. 

Step 5

Mix the fried potatoes chunks with the prepared chutney. Add more sendha namak, pepper, coriander leaves and lemon juice. Serve!