Make This Healthy Cottage Cheese Omelette At Home

By Ujjainee Roy

August 20, 2024

A cottage cheese omelette is a protein-packed, nutritious dish that combines the softness of eggs with the creamy texture of cottage cheese. This omelette is a great way to start the day, providing a good balance of proteins, fats, and vitamins. Here's an easy recipe that you can try at home.


– 3 large eggs – 1/4 cup cottage cheese – 1/4 cup chopped spinach (optional) – 1/4 cup diced tomatoes (optional) – 1/4 cup finely chopped onions (optional) – Salt and pepper to taste – 1 tablespoon butter  – Fresh herbs (e.g., parsley, chives) for garnish

Step 1

Crack the eggs into a mixing bowl. Beat them well until the yolks and whites are fully combined. Season with salt and pepper. In a non-stick skillet, heat the butter or olive oil over medium heat.

Step 2

Add the onions and sauté until they become translucent. Add the spinach and tomatoes, cooking until the spinach wilts and the tomatoes soften. Remove the vegetables from the skillet and set aside.

Step 3

Pour the beaten eggs into the skillet, swirling to create an even layer. Let the eggs cook undisturbed for about 2 minutes, or until the edges start to set.

Step 4

Spoon the cottage cheese evenly over one half of the omelette. If using sautéed vegetables, spread them over the cottage cheese. Continue cooking until the omelette is almost set but still slightly runny on top. Gently fold the omelette in half, covering the filling.

Step 5

Cook for another 1-2 minutes until the omelette is fully cooked through. Slide the omelette onto a plate.