Make This Healthy Chaat With Summer Fruits

By Risha Ganguly

Summertime is when you eat light and feel better. One of the best things to eat during this time is a good fruit salad. Click to know the recipe for a healthy fruit chaat for the season.


1 sliced mango 1 chopped banana 1 cup strawberries 1 cup chopped watermelon 1 tsp chaat masala 1 tsp lime juice 2 tsp honey Black salt as per taste

Step 1

In a large bowl, put all the fruit together and make sure they are mixed well.

Step 2

In a small bowl, add honey and lime juice and prepare the glazing dressing.

Step 3

Add the dressing to the fruit salad bowl and mix with the fruits.

Step 4

Sprinkle chaat masala and black salt. You fruit chaat is ready!