Make Punjabi Panjiri For A Warm & Sweet Treat This Monsoon

By Garima Johar

August 5, 2024

Panjiri is a traditional Punjabi sweet that your grandmother must have made for you to quickly alleviate the symptoms of a cold or cough. For a warm and comforting sweet during monsoon, try this easy recipe.


1 cup wheat flour 1/2 cup ghee 1/2 cup dry fruits 1/4 teaspoon cardamom powder 1/2 cup sugar

Step 1

Heat some ghee and roast wheat flour till golden brown. Let it cool.

Step 2

Chop the dry fruits like almonds, cashew nuts, and raisins. Mix them in another pan.

Step 3

Add the cardamom powder and stir well.

Step 4

Mix in roasted flour, sugar, and ghee till you get a well-combined mixture.

Step 5

Let the crumbly panjiri cool down before serving.