Make Jeera Boli At Home To Celebrate Bhogi Pongal

By Ujjainee Roy

January 14, 2024

If you're celebrating Bhogi Pongal with your friends and family, try making this delicious Jeera Boli at home, which is a delectable fried sweet made with simple, homely ingredients. Bon Apetit!

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Maida - 250gm  Sugar – 500gm  Butter – 50gm  Saffron powder - a pinch Water - 600ml  Oil for deep frying 300ml Cardamom - 5

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Step 1

Mix maida, saffron powder and butter together. Add water and make dough

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Step 2

Make small flat balls and set aside for two hours.

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Step 3

Roll out the balls and fold them into halves. Deep fry them

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Step 4

Dip the deep fried bolis in the jeera mix and remove after 3-4 minutes

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