Make Curd At Home Like A Pro

By Rittwik Naskar

Filled with probiotic goodness, curd is helpful for our overall well-being. Here's how to set curd at home.

Take two litres of full-fat milk in a saucepan and bring it up to a simmer. Avoid using toned milk.

Once the milk is warm enough, take it off the heat and pour it into a large bowl.

Once it's lukewarm, add 4 tablespoons of plain, unadulterated yoghurt to the milk as a starter.

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Using a large spoon, froth the milk and starter mixture by dropping it from a height, repeatedly.

Once the bubbles start forming, it's a sign of bacterial life becoming active in the milk.

Line the inner walls of two glass bowls with the starter and pour the milk mixture in it.

Let the two bowls sit undisturbed for at least 6 hours in a warm corner of a room or kitchen.

Once they're set, put them in the refrigerator, and let them chill for 4 more hours. Then, serve.