Make Boozy Christmas Cake Fruits With This Recipe

By Shireen Jamooji

No Christmas is complete without cake. And no Christmas Cake is complete without some boozy dry fruits and nuts to go in it.  Here's how to make some at home.


100 grams Black Raisins 100 grams Golden Raisins 100 grams Dried Plums 100 grams Dried Cranberries 100 grams Chopped Cherries 4 tablespoons Finely Candied Orange Peels 50 grams Walnuts Chopped 50 grams Chopped 50 grams Cashews Chopped Dark rum as needed 500ml

Step 1

In an airtight glass container add all the fruits, nuts and orange peels and top it up with enough rum to cover them.

Step 2

Mix thoroughly and seal the jar. Keep it in a cool dry place and top up the rum whenever the level drops. Store for at least 3 weeks before using, and for up to a year.