Make Bengal's Famous Sitabhog For Bhai Dooj

By Rittwik Naskar

Sitabhog originated in Burdwan, West Bengal and it is made with rice and chhena noodles with nikuti or mini jamun balls dispersed in between. Sweet and delectable to its core, make this unique dessert for Bhai Dooj by following these simple steps.

100 gms cottage cheese 1 tbsp rice flour 2 tsp milk 1 cup ghee and milk powder 3 cups sugar 2 cups water 2-3 cinnamon and cardamom pods ½ cup maida ¼ tsp baking soda 2 tbsp yoghurt 1 tsp cardamom powder


In a large mixing bowl add milk powder, maida, baking soda, yoghurt, a tbsp of ghee and mix well. Gradually add a tbsp of water and knead to make a supple, smooth dough.

Step 1

Allow the dough to rest for about 5 to 10 minutes. Shape them into nikuti or tiny jamun balls and set them aside. In a separate mixing bowl, add the fresh cottage cheese, rice flour, and 2 tsp milk and knead it into a soft, pliable dough.

Step 2

Set up a frying apparatus by heating a cup of ghee in a pan over medium-high heat. Similarly, in a separate pan add the sugar, water, cardamom, and cinnamon and bring it upto heat, so that the sugar dissolves.

Step 3

Put a fine mesh sieve or wide strainer on top of the frying station and grate the chhena and rice flour dough over it. Gently lower the strainer into the hot ghee and fry the noodles lightly.

Step 4

Use the strainer to remove the excess ghee from the noodles and drop it in the sugar syrup for a minute or two. Then remove the noodles onto a serving dish.

Step 5

In the ghee drop the prepared nikuti balls and fry them till browned and puffed up. Using a slotted spoon remove them from the ghee and add them to the syrup where it must soak for 10-12 minutes.

Step 6

Add the nikuti on top of the noodles and garnish with chopped pistachios and slivered almonds.

Step 7

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