Make A Perfect Pot Of Soft, Steamed Rice; 8 Tips Inside

By Aishwarya Sahasrabudhe

August 11, 2023

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Rice is a staple in most Indian cuisines and cultures, and making perfectly cooked steamed rice in a cooker is all about mastering a major life skill. Here are some tips for producing the perfect pot of warm, soothing steamed rice.

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Pre-Soak Rice

One handy trick to making soft white rice is to pre-soak it. Wash the rice thoroughly and let it soak for about 10 minutes before popping it in the cooker.

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Rice-To-Water Ratio

Adjust the ratio of rice to water according to the type of rice you are choosing. Short-grain rice requires comparatively less water to cook than long-grain rice.

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Add Water And Rice Together

If you are making steamed rice, put the washed rice in the water and place it in a pressure cooker or a rice cooker so that all the water is absorbed by the rice as it cooks.

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Remove Excess Starch

Washing the rice before cooking also means removing excess starch visible in the form of cloudy water in the vessel. This will prevent the rice from becoming too sticky.

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Add Flavour To Rice

If you are serving plain steamed rice with a pot of any Asian curry or a classic dal, you can flavour it while steaming. Add tej patta, veg stock or a lemongrass strand for aroma.

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Do Not Stir

While making rice in a rice cooker or on a stove in a pot, make sure you let it cook on its own. Stirring the rice will inhibit a perfect cook by releasing all the steam trapped inside.

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Cook On Residual Heat

When all the water has been absorbed, take rice off the flame and let it rest. It will continue to absorb heat and remaining moisture giving it a perfectly cooked texture.

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Add A Spoon Of Oil

Adding a teaspoon of oil to the rice and water mixture before cooking helps to keep it moist and prevents it from sticking to the bottom of the pan.

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