Maize To Quinoa:  5 Cereals You MUST Include!

By Niveditha Kalyanaraman

October 4th, 2023

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For so many years, cereal grains have played a significant part in our lives. It’s our everyday staple, and it makes up almost 50-60% of our diet. Cereals are most popularly consumed in the form of breakfast cereal throughout the world. Here are 5 types of cereals.

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Corn is a very popular cereal among Americans and one of the major on cereals list, but it’s also used in many parts of the world. It is one of the oldest types of cereals known to humankind and is a very healthy breakfast option in the form of corn flakes.

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One of the common in cereals name list is oats or oatmeal, which are mainly consumed as porridge. It comes in various forms and can be eaten in a lot of ways.

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Rye is typically grown in cold climatic conditions and is chiefly used for the production of alcoholic drinks. It is also used for making food for animals and certain types of flour.

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Barley is grown in temperate climates across the world. It is observed that barley can grow in conditions where wheat can’t grow. Barley is one of the most important types of cereals in India after rice and wheat.

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Quinoa is one of the most protein-dense foods available, filled with all nine amino acids. Even 1 regular bowl of Quinoa in the breakfast can fulfill the RDI of proteins. It has nearly double the fiber content of most other cereals.

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