Magical Millet Can Solve All Your Health Woes

By Risha Ganguly

Millet is taking the world by storm and we know that it is healthy, nutritious and the correct choice for us. Let us look at what these magical millets can do for us.

Kodo - Diabetes

Kodo is known to be very effective against diabetes and high sugar levels.

Ragi - Digestion

If you have problems digesting heavy or spicy food, ragi is the best option for you.

Bajra - Insomnia

Do you have trouble sleeping? Then bajra is the best option for you to improve your food cycle.

Finger Millet - Bone Health

Strong bones are important for a joint-pain free life. Finger millets are great to add to your meals for a healthy bones.

Foxtail Millet - Thyroid

Thyroid is a problem that you can control with the right diet. And foxtail millet is your best bet.