Low RBC? 6 Foods That Increase The Count Naturally

By Nikita Toppo

August 29, 2023

Image Credit: Unsplash

Are you feeling weak or fatigued? This can be a symptom of low red blood cell count. Here are six foods that can increase your RBC naturally.

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This red and juicy fruit helps in increasing the haemoglobin count and regeneration of red blood cells.

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This dried fruit is packed with energy and iron which increases haemoglobin levels in the blood.

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Drinking beetroot juice every day helps in the repair and reactivation of red blood cells in the body.

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Legumes like kidney beans, chickpeas and soybeans help in the production of new blood cells.

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Pumpkin Seeds

These tiny and crunchy seeds are a good source of copper and other minerals which increase RBC count.

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This sweet, delicious and water-rich food is rich in iron and vitamin C which increases RBC count.

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