Love Mangoes? Here Is The Glimpse Of Mango Map Of India

By Nikita Toppo

India is home of more than thousand varieties of mangoes. Here is a detailed description about the varieties of mangoes available in the country.

Punjab & Haryana

Chausa, dashehari, and malda are the common varieties of mangoes available in Punjab. While, Haryana has langra and fazli apart from chausa and dashehari.

Rajasthan, Himachal Pradesh & Uttar Pradesh

These states are known for Bombay green, chausa, dashehari and langra varieties of mango.

Karnataka & Tamil Nadu

Alphonso, totapuri, banganapalli and neelum are the popular varieties of mango available in these two states.

Gujarat & Madhya Pradesh

Gujarat has got kesar, alphonso, rajapuri, jamadar, totapuri, neelum, dashehari and langra is the list. While MP is known for alphonso, Bombay green, dashehari, fazli, langra and neelum.


Bihar has been gifted with plenty of varieties, Bombay green, chausa, dashehari, fazli, himsagar and langra are the popular mangoes.


Maharashtra is popular for its three varieties; alphonso, kesar and pairi.

West Bengal And Andhra Pradesh

The common types of mangoes in West Bengal are fazli, gulabkhas, himsagar, langra, Kishenbhog and Bombay green while Andhra Pradesh has banganapalli, suvarnarekha, neelum and totapuri.