Love Mangoes? 6 Tips To Store Aam For A Long Time

By Nikita Toppo

March 16, 2024

Summer without having sweet and juicy mangoes is incomplete. But not storing them in the right way can make them rot soon. Here are six tips to preserve them for a long time.

Room Temperature

Store raw mangoes on the counter at room temperature, doing this will let them ripen naturally.

Darkness is Key

Always avoid keeping the ripe mangoes in direct sunlight. This will make them ripen unevenly.

In The Refrigerator

Ripe mangoes can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 5 days. The cooler temperature slows down further ripening.

Store Away From Other Fresh Produce

Keep the mangoes away from other fruits and vegetables, as they release ethylene gas and accelerate spoilage.

Keep The Stem Intact

Leave the stem on the mango while storing. It will act as a barrier and prevent quick spoilage.

For Long Term Storage

Cut the ripe mangoes into chunks, keep them on a baking sheet and freeze them for a few hours. Then transfer them to a freezer bag for up to 6 months.