Love-Hate Blue Cheese? 7 Varieties To Try

By Yash Lakhan

November 7th, 2023

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If you love something pungent and tangy then blue cheese is the way to go. Known for its blue-green veins covering it, blue cheese is a strong, salty and at times sweet cheese. It is crumbly, semi-soft and creamy and tastes fantastic with nuts, salads, fruits and dressings. Not just that, they can be made with buffalo, cow, sheep or goat's milk.

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Known as the "King of Cheeses," French Roquefort is the oldest blue cheese and is considered to be the original.

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An Italian cheese which has a unique taste compared to other blue cheeses. It features a creamier, sweeter and milder flavour profile.

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It is an English cheese which is also called "the King of English Cheeses." It is often paired with the sweet Portuguese wine, Port.

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This blue cheese hails from Spain and it can be made from several types of milk types such as unpasteurised sheep, cow or goat milk.

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It is a modern cheese that originated in Germany in the 1970s. It is rich and has a robust buttery and nutty flavour.

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Danish Daniblue

It is very balanced cheese with a good amount of pungency while not being too creamy or crumbly. Perfect addition to salads.

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Another Spanish cheese, this one features a spicy taste. Thanks to its strong bold flavours, it pairs perfectly with desserts.

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