By Risha Ganguly
Leafy greens are good for your health. They are nutritious and in India, there is centuries old culture to eat saag. Here are some lesser known leafy greens that you must try.
A very famous dessert called patoli is made during monsoons, using turmeric leaves.
A Bengali speciality, pui saag or Malabar spinach is cooked with pumpkin.
Widely consumed in Uttarakhand, lingru is used to make pickles as well as curry.
Moringa leaves, just like any other part of the plant, are extremely nutritious and healthy to eat.
Taro leaves or arbi ka patta are used to make many different curries and a type of fritter called patrod.
Tamarind leaves are very rich in Vitamin C and have a tart flavour due to that. Thy are used in chutneys and rasams.