Limewater For Health: 6 Potential Benefits Of This Hydrating Beverage

By Tanisha Salwan

Aug 28, 2023

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Boosts Hydration

One must stay hydrated to prevent fluid loss in the body. Limewater can boost hydration to a great extent.

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Promotes Digestion

As per studies, the acidic nature of limes leads to salivation which helps in better digestion. 

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Rich In Vitamin C

Limes are rich in vitamin C which is essential for boosting immunity and absorption of minerals like iron.

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Good For Skin

Limewater can boost collagen production. It can improve skin's elasticity and can promote softer skin.

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Contains Antioxidants

Along with vitamin C, limewater contains several antioxidants. It can boost immunity and prevent inflammation. 

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Prevents Infections

Lime's rind contains limonene. This compound has anti-bacterial as well as anti-fungal properties.

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