Potato chips 2

Like Potato Chips? Here Is How To Make Them At Home

By Krati Purwar

March 21, 2025

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blue ceramic mug on green table cloth

Right after Holi is the perfect time to prepare chips at home. Sunlight is hot enough to prepare a large batch of chips, but if you would like, you can also bake your favourite salted potato wafers at home. Check out the recipe.

brown and white round cookies


1 kg potatoes 1 tsp salt 4-5 litre fresh water

yellow round fruits on white surface

Step 1

Wash potatoes thoroughly and peel off their skins.

brown and white shell on orange round plate

Step 2

Use a slice to get the thinnest potato slices.

potato chips recipe (2)

Step 3

Make sure to drop slices right into the water.

brown cookies on yellow surface

Step 4

Soak the slices overnight. Lay the slices on a sheet and dry them.

potato chips recipe (1)

Step 5

Spread them on a baking tray and sprinkle salt.

potato chips recipe

Step 6

After microwaving for 7-10 minutes, rest the potato chips for a minute, and enjoy!

a piece of food that is on a blue surface