Like Crispy French Fries? Follow These 7 Tips

By Krati Purwar

February 1, 2024

Image Credit: Freepik

Who does not love French fries? Fried potato sticks with sprinkled salt or spicy mix are the perfect side dish to pair with burgers, pizzas, and other fast food items. But if these French fries are not crispy but soggy, they can ruin the mood. Here are a few tips to make crispy French fries at home.

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Rinse Potatoes

When you cut potatoes into sticks, you should only rinse them under tap water. If you soak them in a bowl of water, the vegetable can soak up moisture and won’t turn out crispy.

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Simmer In Vinegar Water

No fast food joint will ever tell you, but if you simmer potato fries in vinegar water for 10 minutes, they can make crispy when deep fried in oil.

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Rinse In Cold Water

After simmering, dip fried in ice-cold water for a couple of minutes. It will help to get rid of excessive starch which can contribute to soggy texture later.

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Dry Fries

Before you add fried to the oil, keep them aside for frying. Lay them on a baking tray lined with tissues or paper towels. It will also prevent splashing of oil while frying.

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Coat With Corn Flour

When drying fries, sprinkle a little corn flour on the top. Mix it well so that each has a fine layer of it on all sides. It adds to the crispy texture.

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Shallow Fry Twice

In most fast food joints, you must have seen people behind the counter deep frying fries once and serving them. However, if you shallow fry them twice, it will add to the crispiness.

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Eat Hot Fries

No matter how crispy the fries might turn out if you keep them aside for long, they will turn soggy and soft. Therefore, eat them hot with ketchup. 

Image Credit: Freepik