Lesser Known Facts About Your Favourite Spirits

By Risha Ganguly

Listen up fellow booze lovers! Do you think you know everything about your favourite alcoholic drink? Click to read some lesser known facts about popular spirits.


This alcohol is the third most consumed beverage in the world, after water and tea! 


Kentucky is known for its Bourbon whiskey. Did you know the place is home to more barrels of maturing bourbon than people?


Gin is made with juniper berry, which is high in antioxidants, vitamin C and flavonoids. So, gin is one of the healthiest spirits.


Vodka is an great cleaning product. It can be used to clean windows and floors. So, clear your head and your house with vodka!


This is the oldest spirit to be discovered and was considered so valuable in the 18th century, that rum was used as currency.


This is one drink that won't disrupt your diet. Wine is completely fat-free and cholesterol free.