Leftover Wine? Here are 5 Wine Cocktails To Your Rescue 

By Bornika Das

If you have an unfinished bottle of wine, no need to worry! The solution to this problem is turning the wine into some wine cocktails. We have a special list of wine cocktails for you. The best thing is that these cocktails are perfect for this love month. Take a look:

New York Sour Cocktail

This is a simple wine cocktail recipe where the primary ingredient is red wine. To this, you can add simple Bourbon, simple syrup, and lemon juice. Prepare a fancy cocktail to enjoy in this month of love.

Wine Punch

n this cocktail, you have to mix and match red wine, vodka, lime juice, vermouth, and sugar syrup. This delicious wine cocktail is any day good over other cocktails. Serve the drink in a wine glass and sip it in.

White Magic

Make this cocktail with gin, white wine, lime juice, sugar syrup, and orange chucks. You can serve this tasty cocktail along with some orange chucks. It is the perfect drink for this soothing spring.

Rosy Time

As the name suggests, this cocktail has rose wine as the main ingredient. Apart from it, the cocktail is made from vodka, sugar syrup, and lime juice. This easy recipe can be quickly made and would impress your loved ones.