Lauki To Lychee,  7 Indian Smoothies For Weight Loss

By Shreya Goswami

Summer is the perfect season to start with your weight loss journey and the easiest way to start out is to whip up some smoothie recipes for weight loss. Here are all the fruits and veggies you can try out for your smoothie recipes.

Mango Coconut Smoothie

Make this one with fresh mangoes, coconut milk, oats and sunflower seeds for the perfect summer weight loss smoothie.

Lauki Mint Smoothie

Blitz the lauki with lauki seeds, mint, ginger and garnish with fresh mint leaves for this weight loss smoothie.

Papaya Turmeric Smoothie

Ripe papayas blended with turmeric, yoghurt and topped with sesame seeds and coconut makes for a great combo.

Tomato Basil Smoothie

Use fresh tomatoes with basil, cucumbers and any other ingredients at hand to make this red-hued smoothie.

Lychee Almond Smoothie

Try blitzing lycheese with almonds, oats, pumpkin seeds and a dash of coconut milk for this protein-packed smoothie.

Cucumber Kiwi Smoothie

Mix cucumbers, kiwis, mint, coconut milk and chia seeds to make the perfect summer weight loss smoothie.

Kathal Banana Smoothie

Blend ripe kathal or jackfruit with bananas, almond milk, pumpkin seeds and chia seeds to make this smoothie.