Know These 7 Benefits Of Adding Roasted Garlic To Diet

By Bhavana Verma

January 29, 2024

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Roasted Garlic, apart from being an extremely flavourful condiment also possesses numerous health benefits and makes every meal wholesome. Know the benefits of adding roasted garlic to your diet and make this a reason to enjoy every bite of it.

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Lowers Cholesterol Levels

The compound Allicin found in roasted garlic is linked with lowering cholesterol levels in the liver.

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Helps Build The Immune System

The antibacterial properties of roasted garlic keep immunity strong and fight viruses.

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Improves Blood Circulation

Quercetin and Kaempferol in roasted garlic help keep blood from thickening and reduce blood clots.

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Detoxifies Your Body

The antioxidants in garlic help detoxify the body and prevent oxidative damage.

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Protects Against Common Illness

Garlic boosts the immune system which helps the body to fight against common colds and illnesses.

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Has Medicinal Properties

Several ancient civilisations have employed garlic for its potential medicinal properties.

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Adds Flavour To Every Dish

The pungency and strong flavour of garlic add a whole new definition to every dish.

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