Kiwi And Grapes To More - 5 Fruit Combos You MUST NOT Miss!

By Niveditha Kalyanaraman

September 2nd, 2023

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Fruits are easy foods that our body digests easily. They're also healthy choices for any meal of the day. Add a twist to your boring fruit intake with these 5 fruit combos that go so well together!

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Anti - Inflammatory Plate

Combine cherry, pineapple and blueberry for an anti-inflammatory punch in your diet. Pineapple has bromelain that clears your gut while blueberries and cherries feed you vitamin C.

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Immune Boosting Plate

Combine grapes, kiwi and strawberry for a boost to your immunity. All 3 of them are rich in Vitamin C and help boost your immunity.

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Antioxidant Plate

Combine fig, red grape and pomegranate to fuel your body with antioxidants. All 3 also have disease fighting compounds that prevent damage and keep us feeling youthful.

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Detoxifying Plate

Combine Goji berry, watermelon and lemon to detoxify and hydrate your body. All 3 of them are great hydration agents that flush out the toxins in your body.

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Beauty Plate

Combine blackberry, papaya and cantaloupe for shiny skin and healthy hair. The no makeup look needs to be all about these fruits and their nutrients!

Image Credit: Unsplash