Kitchen Tips: 6 Common Ingredients For Complete Cleaning

By Nikita Toppo

August 30, 2023

Image Credit: Pexels

It is important to clean and sanitize the kitchen regularly. But are you worried about the money that you have to spend on expensive cleaners? Don’t worry, here are six common ingredients that can be used for cleaning kitchen:

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Those tough stains on your stovetop, cutting boards, microwave, countertop as well as floor, all of them can be removed with vinegar.

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Salt is another common ingredient which can make your kitchen spotless clean. It is mildly abrasive which can be used for scrubbing off the stains.

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Lemon juice can easily remove tough stains and odours from utensils, specially from copper bottom pots.

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Olive Oil

Olive oil is perfect to clean, and season cast iron pots and pans. If you have any wooden utensils, then it can also prevent them from drying out and cracking.

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Mainly used for thickening soups and sauces, it can be used to remove different types of stains, grease and odours.

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Baking Soda

Also known as sodium bicarbonate, this multipurpose cleaner can be used for your pots, pans, surfaces, stainless utensils, stained surfaces and lot more.

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